We are on Treaty 1 Territory

on the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples,
and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We offer our respect and gratitude to the caretakers of this land.

“STATES OF SELF” Group Exhibition by the WPG Pantsuit Collective

Members of the Winnipeg Pantsuit Collective:
Allison Stevens – https://vimeo.com/allisonstevens
Barb Bottle – https://www.barbarabottle.com/
Jessie Jannuska – https://www.jessiejannuska.com/
Jocelyne Le Léannec – https://jocelyneleleannec.com/
Laura Lewis – https://lauralewis.ca/
Monique Fillion – https://www.moniquefillion.com/
Nichol Marsch – https://www.nicholmarsch.com/

Through collaborative investigation, we examine and evaluate commonalities within our individual practices to create a cohesive narrative.

More information regarding the WPG Pantsuit Collective can be found here: https://winnipegpantsuitcollective.com/


A view of the block on which the gallery is located. The building is made of brick with large windows on the main floor. There is a tall modern building at the end with many windows. 3 cars are parked in front of the building. The sun is shining.

We are an Artist Run Centre located at
206 Princess Street in Winnipeg’s Exchange District.

Photo credit: Luke Tokaryk

Updated Governance

As an artist-run gallery, aceartinc. should be a community space where ideas can be shared, discussed and debated fearlessly but not without accountability.

-Rob Crooks, Board Treasurer