“STATES OF SELF” Group Exhibition by the WPG Pantsuit Collective



Nov 1 – Dec 15, 2024

STATES OF SELF, presented by the Winnipeg Pantsuit Collective, continues our exploration of relationships, identity, and the complexities of human experience. Building on themes from our previous exhibition, which examined dynamics within couples, individuals, and groups, STATES OF SELF turns inward to explore how memory shapes our understanding of ourselves and our three states of mind: emotional, reasonable, and wise.

Emotional – Driven by feelings, logic fades, and reactions are influenced by emotional intensity, often at the expense of logic.

Reasonable – Focused on logic and analysis, characterized by precise planning and rational thought.

Wise – The intersection of the emotional and reasonable minds, providing calm, centred, and intuitive understanding.

Each artist draws on these three states to broaden our experience of ourselves, fostering greater self-awareness, self-acceptance and flexibility.

Through deeply personal works, we explore themes of vulnerabilities, habits, body decay, self-transformation, queer identities, cultural losses with the Residential School System, belonging, grief related to adoption, and the significance of our surroundings.

We invite you to embark on a journey where the self is both deconstructed and reconstructed through the distinct perspectives of each artist. As you engage with the artworks, reflect on your own experiences, connect with shared narratives, and deepen your curiosity about identity and what it means to be human.

The Winnipeg Pantsuit Collective consists of eight artists living and practicing in Winnipeg and the surrounding area. We were brought together through the Mentoring Artist for Women Artists (MAWA) 2019/2020 Foundation Mentorship Program. We began our mentorship in September 2019 where we developed our art practices in parallel and our collective relationship. facilitating factor for our collective was the shift from in person programming to online during the pandemic where no contact meetings ensued and we were forced to adapt together. The emotional and social changes felt across the world over the past few years have served as inspiration for our previous group exhibitions, and ultimately solidified us as artists in unison.

Members of the Winnipeg Pantsuit Collective:
Allison Stevens – https://vimeo.com/allisonstevens
Barb Bottle – https://www.barbarabottle.com/
Jessie Jannuska – https://www.jessiejannuska.com/
Jocelyne Le Léannec – https://jocelyneleleannec.com/
Laura Lewis – https://lauralewis.ca/
Monique Fillion – https://www.moniquefillion.com/
Nichol Marsch – https://www.nicholmarsch.com/

Through collaborative investigation, we examine and evaluate commonalities within our individual practices to create a cohesive narrative.

More information regarding the WPG Pantsuit Collective can be found here: https://winnipegpantsuitcollective.com/

About aceartinc.: We are an artist-run centre dedicated to the support, exhibition, and dissemination of contemporary art. aceartinc. Presents five major exhibitions a year by contemporary visual artists. www.aceart.org

We are on Treaty 1 Territory. On the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We offer our respect and gratitude to the caretakers of this land.


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